Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Tooth Fairy

Had dinner with a friend tonight who treated me and my son to pizza and drinks. During our dinner I eagerly displayed my son's ability to make the cow sound. I asked my son, "What does a cow say?" He volunteered MOO. Same with the duck, "Kak, Kak". The dog, "Wuf, wuf." Why do we get so excited as parents and make it seem like no kid has every imitated an animal? After doing my silly son tricks my friend shared that his 6 year old daughter lost her first tooth. He mentioned that it was loose for 2 weeks and he tried the string trick and failed. He then just wiggled it and yanked on it.

My friend shared that a few days before it fell out he was trying to get a feel for what his daughter was going to expect cash wise from the tooth fairy. He thought she would ask someone from school, but she said nobody told her. She finally told him that $20 was fair because it is only one bill. Smart young lady there. I think he ended up reasoning with her and she got $5 instead.

So what is the going rate for the tooth fairy? Is the first tooth worth more than the others? Do kids really think there is a tooth fairy or are they smarter these days?

I still believe in Santa Claus, but for some reason he only leaves gifts for me at my mom's house.


jules said...

Man, my toothfairy was cheap! You got $2 for your first tooth, cuz it was the ONLY special one. After that you got squat.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, good question. I have been wondering that myself even though I dont have to worry about it for a little longer.

Jules, you say your toothfairy was cheap? Try getting $0.50 for the first one and $0.25 for each one after.

Pigs said...

Oh my gosh! I used to get a dime! My tooth fairy was CHEAP.

Anonymous said...

YIKES!! At four they start losing teeth?? I'm just not ready for that!!! And for the recod Tay WAS the first baby to ever imitate animals!!

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to Jules: I don't think my teeth ever fell out?

Reply to Deanna: I think I'll just tell her the tooth fairy died.

Reply to pigs: more than you've gotten from the Mexican restaurant.

Reply to txgrl: Not until age 6. I had a 10 year old just lose her last tooth this week.