Monday, November 14, 2005


Yesterday during our church quarterly conference we were proposing a new document that would change the church constitution. During the conversation one highly educated gentleman made the comment, "To change the document at this point would be committing an act of rape." The use of the term rape to describe amending a document seemed overboard. I bit my tonque in order to not say anything. I know people have used the term in the past to describe getting ripped off, but using it in church?

Now that I've thought about it 24 hours I thought I'd research what the term rape really means. The #1 definition does have to do with the act of forcing someone into committing sex acts. The #3 definition does state that rape is: Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice. So now that I've researched it I'm not as alarmed by the use of such a harsh term.

That doesn't mean I'm not disturbed by it.


The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to hud: this guy is also on our drama team so he is animated and even threw something weird onto the end of his comments. Something about pigs flying?????

Pigs said...

I guess he was trying to make a point. Did his word choice get his point across? Seems like he could've come up with something less...stigma-y. Like my profound use of vocabulary there. Yeah.

Bill Victor said...

Who was being raped: the church, the document...? I think he was probably being a little over dramatic.

Anonymous said...

It's just an uncomfortable word, whatever the meaning/context...

Anonymous said...

I think because the news uses that word only for the first definition so anytime you hear it you automatically think of it as sexual. Even though there is more than one term to it I don't like that word either way it is used.

Artistic Soul said...

I personally don't appreciate people using the term rape for other than definition #1. In a way, talking about "raping" a document sort of trivializes the act of rape that MANY women live through. We recently had an incident on our campus where the word was used to describe a sports competition and it caused quite a stir.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to pigs: he gets his point across IF he doesn't lose his audience. This guy is weird and is Mr. Drama.

The MAN Fan Club said...

reply to billyv: the document. I think it was a poor choice of words for church.

The MAN Fan Club said...

reply to txgrl: I agree!

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to Deanna: you are very right!

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to random: it appeared our 7 team leadership model was mass dictatorship and our church really isn't growing at the pace it should for our area. I think we did great and everyone really let what the bible spoke to them come out and we did our best to get out of the "Baptist traditional way." And we succeeded. We went the Elder/Deacon model because it is familiar and the Elder thing is making a comeback.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to wiccachicky: I think it is definitely best left to describe the sex offense and not to describe every day shortcomings. I was offended and I don't offend easily so I am sure others were taken back.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to HUD: busy day. Announced at night and came home to relieve the wife who tended to the sick kids. I'm back!