Sunday, November 27, 2005

Grandpa's Death

My grandpa's been dead for over 2 years, but with my mom in town we talked about the past. As we were talking I figured that my grandpa beat all odds to live to be 93 years old and to die of natural causes along with alzheimers.

Top 5 things my grandpa should have died of:

5. Gun shot wound: there were pistols laying everywhere in his small 2 bedroom "shotgun" shack.
4. Ax wound: my grandpa walked with a limp because one of his siblings took an ax to his knee.
3. Fire #1: there were 2 wood stoves in my grandpas house and he often kept the temperature up around 100 degrees. Crazy thing was there were always burning pieces falling to the floor whenever he would add a log or stoke the fire.
2. Fire #2: when he lived in the senior center he once caught the carpet on fire because he didn't know how to cook with electric.
1. Food poisoning: we ALWAYS stopped and picked up food before visiting because he never wrapped anything and you never knew how long something might have been sitting on the table. Nothing ever went to waste with him.

Honorable mention: car accident: the local school bus would pull over each day at 3pm and wait for my grandpa to go flying by. He drove way over the speed limits on country roads. In his 80's he ran over his own dog and even flipped a car in the ditch because he thought he hit the break when backing up and instead pumped the gas.

And I'm complaining about a little stomach virus and sore throat. Compared to my grandpa I'm probably a 1 on the toughness scale.


Pigs said...

Maybe doing all of those things contributed to his longevity. Made him tough and able to endure little stuff like a stomach bug. ;o) My grandfather was the same way and also lived to be 93, dying of old age/Alzheimer's. His wife is now in the same boat pushing 96. She likes to win.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to pigs: I am a wimpy sick person. Then I feel guilty when I actually take a nap or just rest. It's not programmed into my hard drive.

Bill Victor said...

He would threaten to fill your hide with 'shot if you crossed him. It was so hot in his house that my contacts dissolved in my eyes on one visit.

Bill Victor said...

My grandpa lived to be 96 on a diet of Total cereal and Entemann's coffee cake and only about 6 teeth in his head. I am going to market the Total/Coffee Cake diet in the next issue of Shape magazine. House fraus across the country will jump on the bandwagon. Get you General Mills stock right now!

Artistic Soul said...

Sounds like he was a real trooper! My grandpa is like that too - maybe I'll write something about him this week.

Anonymous said...

My husbands grandmother lived till she was 96, on her own. She woke up every morning and cooked her own breakfast and took care of her house. She fell once and broke her hip and was put in a nursing home. Shortly after she passed away but it amazed me how she lived on her own at that age.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to billyv: you were afraid of my grandpa. Hey, I'm sure you could hook up with Total and Entemanns and maybe get some freebies.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to Deanna: If we could avoid the broken hip. Maybe at 90 start riding around in those electric carts. Why risk it?

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to wiccachicky: It could be a living ode!