Saturday, October 01, 2005

Turning 40

The reason I came to St. Louis this weekend was to participate in a suprise 40th birthday party for 2 friends: one close and one from church. We all went to the same Baptist church growing up. It was held at the church gym that we used to play in all the time. Many church members were there and it was truly a reunion of sorts. Humbling to see that many of my elders have passed on and that the ones left are getting older and fragile. These elders were probably my age(39) when I started coming to church so I was picturing myself in 30 years watching the others.

We had a good time: talking, snacking, playing volleyball, talking some more.

In times like these I am blessed by the friendships that Christ has provided me through the years.

Since I've yet to hit 40, my cards and demeanor were on the kind side. I'm next!


The MAN Fan Club said...

To random thoughts:

I should have gotten your number because my other plans fell thru and I went to the movies by myself and then just hung out with my mom.

I made it back safely.

The MAN Fan Club said...

to jennjr:

Then I am going to do my 11th anniversary of my 29th. Being alive and healthy should be the important issue. I am what I am and all I can do is be healthier and happier!
Thanks for the encouragement and advice.