Friday, September 30, 2005

Generous Family

It seems like every time I come to St. Louis, with or without my immediate family, my mom, dad, and brother always take care of me financially. AND, I'm the one who moved out of state. My parents visited Labor day weekend and while they were there a friend from St. Louis called inviting me to a party the weekend of September 30th. After getting off the phone I said it would be nice to go. Before leaving for home that weekend my mom tried to hand me a $100 bill and said she'd sponsor my trip home.

3 weeks ago when my car had some problems my dad sent a $100 check in the mail. I waited to cash it until yesterday morning before leaving for St. Louis. He said to go ahead and use it as gas money.

When I arrived last night he bought dinner....White Castles....mmmmmm. And gave me another $25 for gas.

My mom always buys lunches, dinners, and movies if we go. My brother even pays me ridiculous amounts to mow for him or if I work for him he pays me cash.

Just saying this to say how thankful I am to have such a great family!


Artistic Soul said...

My family is really good about this too - I often get into a bind and they always send something along. I'm very grateful to have such a wonderful family.

jules said...

Think they'd adopt me?

The MAN Fan Club said...

To W: I think I come to rely on their generosity.

To J: Maybe. You could drive my mom around.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to have such a generous family. I am glad you have that.

The MAN Fan Club said...

To Deanna:
I had a generous friend buy dinner last night too! I also went to a Deanna's 40th birthday party!

jules said...

Well ya know, the thing with your brother didn't seem to pan out, so maybe I could get in good with the folks! Grin~