Friday, October 28, 2005

Platinum Club

I'm not talking about some club outside the city so hold your horses. Last night a friend asked me to go and watch the Maverick's last preseason game at American Airlines Center. I declined since I'm not much of an NUBA(NBA) fan. Well, today he asked me to go and watch an NHL Dallas Stars game. I said yes. Although they aren't playing my hometown St. Louis Blues I agreed.

This is my first experience ever sitting in the luxury boxes, the Platinum Club. Special parking on the first level. Entrance into a side gate. Elevator to the 3rd floor and there we were. A short walk later and we enter the SUITE. Yes, it is sweet. About 25 seats in our own area. Plasma Tv, internet service(posting from the game) and we can order without going out of our box. Bad thing is the bathroom is a little far away. It hasn't cost me a thing yet. I've just ordered drinks and I just filled out a credit application so we'll see how much it really costs.

Hockey is secondary tonight. The experience is primary. It is nice receiving special treatment! My friend who gave us the tickets says, "PEACE OUT."

It is amazing how many seats in these luxury boxes are unoccupied. White collar game for sure.


Anonymous said...

I just counted... 45 steps to the er... & no lines -- sorry i got him such a crappy place.. & HE GOES EVERY 5 MINS....


Anonymous said...

Reply to cbar: still happy because there were no lines at the bathroom all night!

jules said...

Nashpotato DOES go to the can ALOT! I think his 4 year old daughter has a bigger bladder than he does!

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to jules: she just drinks juice and milk too!

Bill Victor said...

Go to a Mavs game and you will love it.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to BillyV: still waiting for the Spirit to come back to St. Louis.

See you Saturday.

Pigs said...

You are High Cotton! Go on with your bad self, Mr. Fancy Pants! Sounds like fun! Do you announce to your friends that you are going to the restroom like you do to your class? :oD

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to Pigs: I kind of slip out since it is SO OFTEN!