Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Prayer Gratitude AND Smells

Thanks for the prayer on my dad. After a 2 week visit in the hospital he went home yesterday, Monday. He is doing fine, but is really bummed out about not being able to work his garden. My brother did pick about 100+ tomatoes and my dad says that his sister and neice are coming over to do some canning. My brother said some of the cucumbers were as big as watermelons.

Also, my friend's roommate did pass away so continue to pray for my "resourceful" friend as she and her daughter deal with their loss!

Positive Smells Natural
Flowers-they smell great to us, but serve as to attract the bugs so plants can reproduce
Fresh cut grass-this may kill those with allergies, but I dig the smell of a fresh cut lawn early in the morning
Fruits-God gave us some very colorful food and most of if comes with an attractive smell. Instead I like dull looking potato chips and deep fried goods.

Positive Smells Man-Made
Popcorn at a movie theatre-need I say more
Asphalt smell-reminds me of Six Flags
Leather/new car smell-it doesn't last long, but we all like to climb into a new car and take in that smell
Bread/cookies-anthing that is fresh baked usually gets into this category
Italian restaurant-must be the garlic or oregano

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