Thursday, January 18, 2007

Free Day

School and Church was cancelled Wednesday and the following is what I did and didn't do on my unplanned day off.

Top 5 Things I DID Do
5. I wrote thank you notes to the kids for gifts received.
4. Stayed in bed close to 9AM.
3. Put away Christmas items....4 trips to the attic.
2. Had lunch with some friends: the 1st place was closed, had Mexican.
1. Went to gym and did the 55min bicycling bohiny is sore.

5 Things I DIDN'T Do
5. Mow-too icy and the grass is dead.
4. Go to a STAFF meeting.
3. Stay home with treaturous weather.
2. Golf-although I have golfed before in freezing brain one trip during Christmas break in St. Louis.
1. Spend a night away from family: busy month with basketball.

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