Monday, January 08, 2007

Church Update

Sunday we decided to visit the church where we worshipped on Christmas Eve. We arrived about 10 minutes early to check in the kids and hopefully meet up with a friend from school. When we finally got to take our son to his class we arrived to find that there were no teachers to be found. A person who appeared to be the assigned director for the day was scrambling to find teachers for many of the classes. After about 10 minutes of waiting the ONE teacher showed up. Fortunately our son let us leave without a big stink. We then proceeded LATE to try and find which class my friend might be in. At this time most classes were full and we awkwardly peeked into a few classes. We decided to go to the Worship service instead.

I sat during the music time and was still anxious from what had happened. I felt a little bit of trauma on our first real visit to this church.

The time on the gentleman's watch in front of us read 10am and the pastor was just about to give his message when I asked my wife if she would be interested in leaving and going to the 10:30am worship service of a new church that we visited just before Christmas. She liked the idea and we headed out.

The lady who checked us in interrogated us in a friendly way wanting to know if everything was alright. I kind of explained how the situation left me slightly anxious and that we were going to try another church. I appreciated her interest, but the damage has already been done.

We did visit Stepping Stones church and was greeted immediately by the preacher who remembered us from our earlier visit. We found out that they will be meeting in a different location next week and are really excited about being a part of a growing church. We will go Wednesday night and help them move some of their things from a temporary location to the permanent location......The Pickle Barn. They've bought about 5 acres and a reception hall from the Dill kidding.

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