Monday, December 12, 2005


Upon leaving work Monday I stopped by one of the after school program workers and asked if they would put the left over apple/fruit juices in the fridge that was located in the teacher's lounge. Every once in a while I'll come in and they've sat out all night and since they are pasteurized I have to throw them away. As many as 30 sometimes. I rescued some last week and they make great quick drinks at home.

Before I could get away this young lady mentioned that there were plenty of left over snacks in the program's closest that I could have. The FREEBIE RADAR went off and even though I was cutting it close on time I could not pass up this opportunity. I grabbed nearly full 2 boxes of snacks. I quickly horded them to my little corner of the world. I let my coworker/mentor in on the find in order to bribe her to keep it down about all the freebies I get. I can't have my cover blown and have every deal seeking teacher stalking me in the hallways. She only took a handful of items, but let me tell you what was left that made it to my house.

20 single packs of Pop Tarts
3 Hawaiian Punch fruit snacks
11 Brachs fruit snacks
8 Fruit roll ups
23 bags of Animal Crackers
21 bags of pretzels
23 bags of popcorn
18 bags of Cheeze-its
16 Teddy Grahams
13 Gold Fish

On top of this I have 42 single serve bowls of Golden Grahams and 12 containers of milk: chocolate, 2 % plain, and strawberry.

Sure I made over $200 in pay today, but add to that the retail value of 199 single serve items and 12 milks and I figure my bonus pay(in edible goods) was over $100 if you consider they all retail in vending machines for 50 cents or more.

The MAN shoots, he SCORES!


Pigs said...

I accept any and all hush, um, Cheez-Its. Yes, Hush Cheez-Its. The little fruit snacks are nice also. [evil cackle]

KauaiMark said...

I like your style! I too love a free deal:

Anonymous said...

Never argue when it is free. Good for you, you are truly blessed with all the great stuff you receive and you know not to take advantage of it and accept it when it comes your way.

Anonymous said...

Maybe now you can accept the hour and half late you had to work when you sat through the Science Presentation. Shouldnt all the free stuff you get from the school district more than make up for that hour and half?

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to pigs: I'll see what I can do without. Make a little "care" package for you.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to Kauaimark: I'll look yours up after dinner. FREE and DEAL together are sweet words.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to deanna: Yes, never take advantage of it. I don't even beg.....much. Trying to shake food certificates from a student who has a dad who is manager of a nice restaurant here.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to anonymous: Okay, we're even for now.

Anonymous said...

You ROCK!! that was in all caps to illustrate tone..

Editor in Chief said...

And I thought I scored big when I started working in an office that actually provides coffee for it's employees! Wow, I am truly jealous. What is a public school doing with all of that brand name stuff?