Friday, December 23, 2005

A 3 hour nap

I am the type of person who uses just about every minute of every day doing something. Yesterday was our first day of a 2 week break and I was scheduling detail appointments. First one was at 9am. When I finished cleaning a 99 Nissan Altima, one that may not have been washed since it rolled off the assembly line, I found that when the people left for the day they locked the doors so I couldn't clean the inside. I moved on thinking I had another appointment at noon. That one rescheduled to today. So when I realized I still had all day I called a friend asking if I could detail her car. She declined due to a doctor's appointment for her child. That's when I decided to wash all windows on the backside of our house....inside and out. I thought I did a great job until the morning sun exposed all my streaks and misses. Then after that I mowed the yard. YES, mowed 3 days before Christmas. Busy day.

So today I roll out of bed at 9am to detail a car. I was finished by noon and a friend took me to lunch. Chipotle, a quick order burrito place, my friend's favorite. He paid....CHA CHING$! It took us 10 minutes to get off the parking lot. He wanted to stop for drinks, but I am experiencing the initial stages of a sinus cold/infection, so I declined. When I came home I decided I was going to take a nap. I NEVER take naps. I took a 3 hour nap. I have a hard time justifying this. I think I take after my dad because I can never sit still. My justification was that I want to be as healthy as I can come Christmas day and for our trip to St. Louis so the rest would be a positive thing.

Any sinus remedies or recommendations? I have the kind that feels like someone stuffed cotton balls up both nostrils. Only about 5% airflow. I'll be snoring loudly tonight with my mouth open.


Jennifer said...

First-I am a fan of naps. I can not get through most days without at least a 20 minute nap. Three hours seems excessive but clearly your body needed it. Nap on!

Second-I HATE decongestants. They dry me out like a desert and they make me twit out like nobodies business. I will suffer through the day stuffed up but at night I use 12 hour Afrin (it really only works for about seven but it gets me through the night.) I only use it at night because I don't want to have any rebound issues.

Feel better and have a merry Christmas.

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to jennifer: thanks. I'm going to talk to the pharmacy people and see what they recommend.

Anonymous said...

my dr gave me a flow-nase sample last tIme i went in with sinus issues, which i have ALL year long. It's a combo allergy thing, drive me crazy...seriously, i could sniffle every day...i digress. So anyway, LOVED the non addicting, fast acting, long lasting flow-nase. Bonus-wked on tay as well. WEntto the fill the prescription he so thoughtfully gave me at the same time...$90. $90!?! We sd no thanks. I cant afford that. I can afford that, BUT refuse to pay it....
SO upsetting b/c it was THAT great..

Ya'll have a safe trip and a very MERRY christmas. If you see BillyV give him a high five from me, per favor...

The MAN Fan Club said...

Reply to txgrl: Paid $10 for "NoTimeForColds". Guaranteed to reduce cold symptoms. I really feel it worked. ALong with my store brand decongestant.

We'll see what Missouri holds.