Monday, December 01, 2008

I Gained

Of course I'd expect to gain something over Thanksgiving break, but it was as if I weren't on a diet at all AND I went off the deep end. In 2 weeks I've gained 3 pounds and I'm frustrated because I made a concentrated effort to hit the gym 8 days in a row. I do know I've fallen short in many areas: drinking water, counting all my points and spreading out food choices throughout the day instead of holding all my points for 6pm and later.

I'd love to lose 8 pounds and hit my goal before Christmas, but know I feel if I can just hold steady until the 1st of January and not be so caught up in thinking about eating and making choices for just a bit.

We'll see. I'm kind of going this alone so my only accountability is myself and my students who asked today if I gained weight. Tomorrow the answer will be, "Yes."


Unknown said...

I'm gaining too.. gotta do something!

KauaiMark said...

Try racquetteball!

I lose about 3lbs per night...but gain it all back by next weeks game.

The MAN Fan Club said...

me, you'll be fine once OU is finished. All those late night watching parties. 2 more nights.


The MAN Fan Club said...


I quit racquetball because my partner, my wife, is too competitive and gets mad when I try. I do like it because it doesn't seem like a workout at the time.


Unknown said...

I like to play racquetball.. too bad i don't live in ur town & have membership