Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Wheels are Falling Off

This is the time of year in 5th grade when our students seem to forget normal expectations and begin to think it is okay to bully, cheat, steal and lie. Well, maybe not THAT extreme, but close. There is an art to keeping the balance while addressing certain issues and avoiding breaking spirits or stemming momentum since the big science test is next week. After Thursday, all bets are off.

5th graders only have less than 30 more recesses in their academic careers.


KauaiMark said...

Is THAT why I'm having problems these last two weeks in 5th & 6th grades? They are SO exhausting...

unt grad said...

6th graders are worse. Especially once you've taken their textbooks from them. They are, however, realizing that recesses will now be called PE or Athletics next year. Good luck with the rest of the year! Tracey